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Adult Programs

We are pleased to provide adult programming for all ages and abilities. Our adult programs follow the Tennis Canada Self Rating Guide, which ensures that all adults are placed in suitable programs based on their playing abilities. Additionally, we offer Assessments of Competitive Excellence (ACE) to ensure our Members & non-members enroll in the appropriate program and thereby train with other players of equal skill level.

A one-time 30-minute ACE is included for Members; $25 +GST for non-members and re-assessments. Assessments will run every Wednesday at 12pm & Saturday at 3:30pm. Please sign up online or at the Member Services Desk.

*Assessments are required prior to enrolling in leagues, 3.0, 4.0 & 5.0 programs.ADULT TENNIS CLINICS, DRILLS & LEAGUESDownload our Adult Winter Program Guide to get all the latest adult program information. Registration can be made online or at the Member Services Desk. Members receive priority registration over non-members. Registration for Session 2 begins Oct 1 for Members and Oct 7 for non-members.Our Adult program is designed as a player development pathway that caters to all levels, from 1.0 to 5.0+. Our “LEARN” pathway consists of 90-minute instructional singles & doubles clinics. This is complemented by the “DRILL” pathway, which provides players with a 60-minute class to push you physically and practice high repetitions in tactics learned in our clinics. Our “COMPETE” component of the pathway is your opportunity to test yourself and use what you have learnt & practiced in a match-setting! The Osten & Victor Alberta Tennis Centre also organizes socials that are a great place to “MEET” new Members & players in a fun environment!

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